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The MonetizationEvent interface of the Web Monetization API is the event object for web monetization events, which contains the details to facilitate payments.


  • amount (deprecated) : An integer amount delivered by an ILP packet.
  • amountSent : A dictionary containing the currency code and amount sent.
  • assetCode (deprecated) : A string representing the currency code (eg USD, EUR) of the received amount.
  • assetScale (deprecated) : The scale of the received amount.

    - [incomingPayments](/docs/monetization-event-incoming-payments) : A string containing the URL representing an incoming payment at the monetization receiver.

  • receipt (deprecated) : The base-64 encoded Interledger Stream receipt that the browser received.
  • paymentPointer : A URL representing the payment end-point.


<link rel="monetization" href="" />
// Checking via DOMTokenList
const link =
document.querySelector('link[rel="monetization"]') ||
if (link.relList.supports('monetization')) {
console.log('Web Monetization is supported.')

// Checking global scope for MonetizationEvent
if (window.MonetizationEvent) {
console.log('Web Monetization is supported.')

// Checking if it's a global event handler
if (window.hasOwnProperty('onmonetization')) {
console.log('Web Monetization is supported.')


Browser Compatibility